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编  著  者 中国图书馆学报编辑部 定价 80.00
责任编辑 唐澈 ISBN 978-7-5013-7348-2
出版时间 2023-05-31 版次 B1
印刷时间 2023-05-31 印次 Y1
库存提示 有书 规格 平装,正16开,
丛  书  名  
所属分类 其他
中图分类 G250-54
读者对象 广大读者
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图书简介[ 滚动 - 展开 ]  
本书收录《中国图书馆学报》2020年度发表的重点理论文章,包括当前图书馆学情报学研究的前沿问题、热点问题。所收文章既有理论大家的最新研究成果,也有初出茅庐的学科新星的探索之作,如Review and outlook on the problems of library transformation,Construction of smart libraries with new generation service platforms: Business reengineering and data management等,这些文章全面反映一年来中国图书馆学研究的状况与水平。
目录[ 滚动 - 展开 ]  

Review and outlook on the problems of
library transformation  RAO Quan  (005)


Five questions in the construction of smart
library in China  LI Yuhai, JIN Zhe, LI
Jiahui&LI Jue (022)


Construction of smart libraries with new
generation service platforms: Business reengineering and data management  SHAO Bo, SHAN Zhen&WANG Yi (035)


Inquiring into and reflecting on library
professionalism in the new era: Taking Wuhan public libraries’ anti-pandemic
practice as an example  LI Jingxia&LI
Zhengwu (050)


The attribution analysis of low
participation in public reading among rural residents: A survey from 77
administrative villages and rural libraries in Hubei Province  CHEN Geng&HU Yachun (065)


“Weak participation” in rural cultural
benefiting project and its reform strategy: A survey from 282 administrative
villages in 21 provinces across the country 
FU Caiwu&WANG Wende (092)


Rankings never really quantify
contributions: A quantitative and qualitative study on universities and their
libraries  Shelia X. WEI, Ronda J. ZHANG,
Howell Y. WANG, CAO Cong&Fred Y. YE (117)


Extended English
abstracts of articles published in the Chinese edition of Journal of Library
Science in China, Vol.46,2020 (127)

前言[ 滚动 - 展开 ]  
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